Fatima’s story
At just fifteen, Fatima is already part of a prize-winning entrepreneurial team, and one which is focused entirely on empowering other entrepreneurs – especially women. Fatima and four of her schoolmates have come up with an idea to change this – an e-commerce platform that will connect local, home-based producers with customers further afield, including the many tourists who visit Hunza each year.
Aliza’s story
Inspired by their own experiences, when Aliza (16) and her friends took part in Enterprise Challenge Pakistan, they decided to focus on a mental health service for teenagers. Their business name, Istehkaam, is an Urdu word meaning ‘stability’. ‘Mental health is such a taboo in our society,’ Aliza explains, ‘This is why Istehkaam was created, so we break this caustic taboo.’
Usaid’s story
Usaid (15) is a keen environmentalist, so when he took part in Enterprise Challenge Pakistan, it’s not surprising that his team’s business idea had a green angle – using an online platform to recycle and sell second-hand clothing from Pakistan.